Building Materials

Building Materials and Metals

Full range of building materials and metals

We offer a full range of building materials and metals, which are necessary for the implementation of each object, which includes bricks, roof tiles, waterproofing, metal reinforcing bars, dry mixes, laminated plywood, OSB, gypsum, electrical, plumbing, paint and hardware.

Construction companies and stocks of construction materials have special preferences!

Contact Us

Contact us if you have questions or would like to discuss future cooperation

Warehouse 1 – Lyulin ring road

Sofia, Lyulin ring road 773
00359 884 178 729

Warehouse 2 – Station North

Sofia, 9A First Bulgarian Army Str.
00359 884 584 434

Warehouse 3 – quarter Suhodol

Sofia, 175 Suhodolska Str.
00359 887 575 868

Write us

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STAD Business Center, 1324 Sofia

30 "Louis Pasteur" Str.

tel.: 00359-2-925-11-89, 00359-2-925-14-03

fax: 00359-2-925-21-34